

信息来源: 供稿人: 发布日期:2024-03-26 点击数:

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nan.wang@scu.edu.cn; wangn@gd121.cn






利用星-空-地观测资料、机器学习、污染排放清单和大气化学传输模式研究大气污染及其气候、生态效应。近年来,在区域大气污染成因机理,极端天气和大气污染交互作用、人为减排评估和空气质量模式发展等方面积累了丰富科研经验。主持国家重点研发计划子课题、国家自然科学基金、省级科学基金和地方类科研咨询项目等20余项;共发表SCI论文50余篇,以第一作者/通讯作者在Science Advances, Environment Science & Technology, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere等高水平期刊上发表论文。欢迎对资料分析、数值模拟、机器学习和减污降碳协同感兴趣的同学与我联系。


2023.02-当前 四川大学特聘副研究员

2022.12-2022.12中国气象局广州热带海洋气象研究所 副研究员

2018.08-2022.11中国气象局广州热带海洋气象研究所 助理研究员












1. 成渝地区二次污染物调控原理与协同控制技术方案研究,国家重点研究计划子课题,202312-202711,主持

2. 四川盆地下垫面变化引起的植被活性碳排放对臭氧生成影响研究,四川省自然科学基金,202401-202512,主持

3. 生物源和人为源协同作用对珠三角臭氧污染的影响研究,广东省自然科学基金,202201-202412,主持

4. 基于高精分辨卫星地表资料研究珠三角BVOCs排放对臭氧的影响,国家自然科学基金青年项目,201901-202112,主持

5. 气候变化背景下台风对粤港澳大湾区边界层臭氧垂直分布的影响,国家自然科学基金面上项目,202301-202612,参与

6. 广州大气科学联合研究中心运行维持,中国气象局创新发展专项,202201-202212,主持

7. 珠三角地区臭氧重污染控制区数值诊断关键技术研究,广东省气象局重点项目,202105-202305,主持

8. 中山市臭氧污染来源贡献研究,中山市气象局业务技术项目,202010-202011,主持

9. 臭氧污染的生物源排放影响及前体物控制区特征研究,广东省环境科学研究院技术项目,201706-201801,主持


1. Wang, N., X. Huang*, J. Xu, T. Wang, Z.-m. Tan, and A. Ding*. (2022). Typhoon-boosted biogenic emission aggravates cross-regional ozone pollution in China.Science Advances 8 (2):eabl6166. (SCIENCE子刊)

2. Wang, N*., Wang, H., Huang, X., Chen, X., Zou, Y., Deng, T., Li, T., Lyu, X. and Yang, F., (2024). Extreme weather exacerbates ozone pollution in the Pearl River Delta, China: role of natural processes. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24(2), pp.1559-1570.

3. Wang, N*.,Du, Y., Chen, D., Meng, H., Chen, X., Zhou, L., Shi, G., Zhan, Y., Feng, M., Li, W., Chen, M., Li, Z., and Yang, F. (2024). Spatial Disparities of Ozone Pollution in the Sichuan Basin Spurred by an extreme, hot weather. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24, 3029–3042,

4. Li, T., Wu, N., Chen, J., Chan, P. W., Tang, J.,Wang, N*. (2023). Vertical exchange and cross-regional transport of lower-tropospheric ozone over Hong Kong. Atmospheric Research

5. Chen, X.,Wang N*, G. Wang, Z. Wang, H. Chen, C. Cheng, M. Li*, L. Zheng, L. Wu, and Q. Zhang. (2022). The influence of synoptic weather patterns on spatiotemporal characteristics of ozone pollution across Pearl River Delta of southern China.Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 127 (21):e2022JD037121.

6. Wang, N., J. Xu, C. Pei, R. Tang, D. Zhou, Y. Chen, M. Li, X. Deng, T. Deng, and X. Huang*. (2021). Air quality during COVID-19 lockdown in the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta: Two different responsive mechanisms to emission reductions in China.Environmental Science & Technology 55 (9):5721-5730.

7. Zou, Y., E. Charlesworth,Wang N*, R. Flores, Q. Liu, F. Li, T. Deng, and X. Deng. (2021). Characterization and ozone formation potential (OFP) of non-methane hydrocarbons under the condition of chemical loss in Guangzhou, China.Atmospheric Environment

8. Xu J, Huang X,Wang N, et al. Understanding ozone pollution in the Yangtze River Delta of eastern China from the perspective of diurnal cycles[J].Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 752: 141928.

9. Wang Z, Huang X,Wang N, et al. Aerosol‐Radiation Interactions of Dust Storm Deteriorate Particle and Ozone Pollution in East China[J].Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2020, 125(24): e2020JD033601.

10. Wang, N., X. Lyu, X. Deng, X. Huang*, F. Jiang, and A. Ding*. (2019). Aggravating O3 pollution due to NOx emission control in eastern China.Science of the Total Environment 677:732-744.(WOB高被引

11. Wang, N., Z. Ling, X. Deng, T. Deng, X. Lyu, T. Li, X. Gao, and X. Chen. (2018). Source contributions to PM 2.5 under unfavorable weather conditions in Guangzhou City, China.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences35:1145-115

12. Yuan, J., Z. Ling*, Z. Wang, X. Lu, S. Fan, Z. He, H. Guo, X. Wang, andWang N*. (2018). PAN–precursor relationship and process analysis of PAN variations in the Pearl River Delta Region. Atmosphere 9 (10):372.

13. Wang, N., X. Lyu, X. Deng, H. Guo*, T. Deng, Y. Li, C. Yin, F. Li, and S. Wang. (2016). Assessment of regional air quality resulting from emission control in the Pearl River Delta region, southern China.Science of the Total Environment573:1554-1565.

14. Wang, N., H. Guo*, F. Jiang, Z. Ling, and T. Wang. (2015). Simulation of ozone formation at different elevations in mountainous area of Hong Kong using WRF-CMAQ model.Science of the Total Environment 505:939-951.

15. 王同;王楠*;黄昕;丁爱军;西太平洋台风“苏迪罗”对我国珠三角地区臭氧污染影响研究,环境监控与预警,2023,1674-6732.



期刊审稿人:Geophysical Research Letters, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,JGR, Science of the Total Environment, Environment Pollution, Atmospheric Research等


