

信息来源: 供稿人: 发布日期:2022-11-16 点击数:

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职 称:









四川大学教授,博导。入选国家海外高层次人才青年项目,四川省高层次人才青年项目,国家烟气脱硫工程技术研究中心、四川省碳中和技术创新中心固定人员。截止目前在J. Mater. Chem. A,Chem. Mater.,NPG Asia Mater., Green Chem., J. Membr. Sci., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces等领域内权威期刊发表论文50余篇,包括ESI高被引论文3篇。获Elsevier RINENG Young Investigator Award。Results in Engineering期刊编委,Carbon capture science and technology编委,安全与环境等期刊青年编委。主要从事CO2捕集、气体膜分离、大气污染控制等碳中和方向的科研与教学工作。研究工作具有交叉学科背景,涵盖了CO2捕集与转化新材料开发、气体分离膜器件制备、分离过程放大模拟及工程示范。


2022.11-至今       四川大学碳中和未来技术学院,教授

2022.01-2022.10 四川大学建筑与环境学院,教授

2020.04-2021.12 四川大学建筑与环境学院,特聘研究员

2019.05-2020.01 挪威科技大学化工系,Researcher

2018.12-2019.01 韩国汉阳大学能源工程系,交流访问

2016.06-2019.05 挪威科技大学化工系,博士后

2013.11-2014.02 美国科罗拉多博德分校工程中心,交流访问

2012.11-2016.06 挪威科技大学化工系,化学工程博士学位

2010.03-2012.08  沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学,研究助理

2009.07-2010.03 深圳兆凯生物柴油研发中心,工程师

2007.09-2009.07 天津大学化工学院,工学硕士学位

2003.09-2007.07 清华大学化学工程系,工学学士学位


[1] 碳中和技术:新型高效CO2捕集、转化的新材料、新设备和新工艺的开发与工程示范;

[2] 大气污染控制:烟气脱硫与资源化、工业废气治理、尾气除尘等;

[3] 新能源:天然气脱酸(脱CO2、H2S)、沼气提纯、膜材料开发与工程示范;

[4] 其他高效膜分离过程开发。


[1] 本科生课程:


[2] 研究生课程:



[1] 国家级青年人才资助项目,2020-2023,主持

[2] 自然科学基金面上项目,2021-2024,主持

[3] 四川省科技厅国际合作项目,2021-2023,主持

[4] 四川省科技厅科技创新人才项目,2021-2023,主持

[5] 四川大学引进人才科研启动经费资助项目,2020-2023,主持


截止目前已发表论文50余篇,包括3篇高被引,参与撰写专著3部。完整文章列表请参见Google scholar:



[1] Xuan Feng, Zikang Qin, Qiuxue Lai, Zhiyuan Zhang, Zhen-Wu Shao, Wenlei Tang, Wenjing Wu,Zhongde Dai*, Chong Liu*, Mixed-matrix membranes based on novel hydroxamate metal–organic frameworks with two-dimensional layers for CO2/N2 separation, Separation and Purification Technology, 305, 122476,2023,

[2] Hongfang Guo, Jing Wei, Yulei Ma, Jing Deng, Shouliang Yi, Bangda Wang, Liyuan Deng, Xia Jiang,Zhongde Dai*,Facilitated transport membranes for CO2/CH4 separation - State of the art, Advanced Membranes,2, 100040, 2022,

[3] Minggao Feng, Min Cheng, Xu Ji, Li Zhou, Yagu Dang, Kexin Bi,Zhongde Dai*, Yiyang Dai*;Finding the optimal CO2 adsorption material: Prediction of multi-properties of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) based on DeepFM. Separation and Purification Technology, 302, 122111.2022

[4] Shan Xu, Ning Zhao, Lei Wu, Shuanyan Kang, Zhiguang Zhang, Guolong Huo,Zhongde Dai*, Nanwen Li*,Carbon molecular sieve gas separation membranes from crosslinkable bromomethylated 6FDA-DAM polyimide, Journal of Membrane Science, 659, 2022,120781

[5] Zhongde Dai*, Jing Deng, Yulei Ma, Hongfang Guo, Jing Wei, Bangda Wang, Xia Jiang, Liyuan Deng,Nanocellulose Crystal-Enhanced Hybrid Membrane for CO2 Capture, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2022, 61, 25, 9067–9076

[6] Liu Huang, Ziman Xing, Xinyi Zhuang, Jing Wei, Yulei Ma, Bangda Wang, Xia Jiang, Xuezhong He, Liyuan Deng,Zhongde Dai*, Polymeric membranes and their derivatives for H2/CH4 separation: State of the art, Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 121504

[7] Zhongde Dai*, Jing Deng, Xuezhong He, Colin A Scholes, Xia Jiang, Bangda Wang, Hongfang Guo, Yulie Ma, Liyuan Deng;Helium separation using membrane technology: recent advances and perspectives, Separation and Purification Technology 274, 119044

[8] Ma, Yulei, Guo, Hongfang, Selyanchyn, Roman, Wang, Bangda; Deng, Liyuan;Dai, Zhongde*; Jiang, Xia;Hydrogen sulfide removal from natural gas using membrane technology: a review, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021. 9(36): p. 20211-20240.

[9] Jing Deng1, Zhongde Dai1, Liyuan Deng*,H2-selective Troger's base-based mixed matrix membranes enhanced by 2D MOFs, Journal of Membrane Science, 2020, 118262,1Co-first author;

[10] Jing Deng1,Zhongde Dai1,Jingwei Hou, Liyuan Deng*,Morphologically Tunable MOF Nanosheets in Mixed Matrix Membranes for CO2 Separation, Chemistry of Materials, 2020, 32 (10), 4174-4184,1Co-first author

[11] Jing Deng,Zhongde Dai,Liyuan Deng, Synthesis of crosslinked PEG/IL blend membrane via one‐pot thiol–ene/epoxy chemistry, Journal of Polymer Science, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1002/pol.20190195

[12] Zhongde Dai, Jing Deng, Hesham Aboukeila, Jiaqi Yan, Luca Ansaloni, MarcoGiacinti Baschetti, Richard J. Spontak, and Liyuan Deng*,Highly CO2-permeable membranes derived from a midblock-sulfonated multiblock polymer after submersion in water,NPG Asia Materials(IF=8.052), 2019, 11:53.

[13] Zhongde Dai, Luca Ansaloni, Justin J. Ryan, Richard J. Spontak and Liyuan Deng*,Incorporation of an Ionic Liquid into a Midblock-Sulfonated Multiblock Copolymer for CO2 Capture, Journal of Membrane Science (IF=7.015). 2019, 588, 117193.

[14] Zhongde Dai*, Jing Deng, Kang-Jen Peng, Ying-ling Liu, Liyuan Deng*,Pebax/PEG Grafted CNT-hybrid Membranes for Enhanced CO2/N2 Separation, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research(IF=3.375), 2019, 58, 12226-12234.

[15] Zhongde Dai, Qiang Yu, Luca Ansaloni, Jing Deng, and Liyuan Deng*,Fabrication and Evaluation of Bio-Based Nanocomposite TFC Hollow Fiber Membranes for Enhanced CO2 Capture, ACS applied materials & interfaces (IF=8.456), 2019, 11, 10874-10882.

[16] Zhongde Dai, Jing Deng, Luca Ansaloni, Saravanan Janakiram, Liyuan Deng*,Thin-film-composite hollow fiber membranes containing amino acid salts as mobile carriers for CO2 separation, Journal of Membrane Science (IF=7.015), 2019, 578, 61-68.

[17] Zhongde Dai, Santinelli Fabio, Nardelli Giuseppe Marino, Costi Riccardo, and Liyuan Deng*,Field Test of a Pre-pilot Scale Hollow Fiber Facilitated Transport Membrane for CO2 Capture, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (IF=3.231), 2019 (86), 191–200.

[18] Zhongde Dai, Hesham Aboukeila, Luca Ansaloni, Jing Deng, Marco Giacinti Baschetti and Liyuan Deng*,Nafion/PEG hybrid membrane for CO2 separation: effect of PEG on membrane micro-structure and performance, Separation and Purification Technology(IF=5.107), 2019, 214, 67-77.

[19] Jing Deng,Zhongde Dai, Jiaqi Yan, Marius Sandru, Eugenia Sandru, Richard J. Spontak, Liyuan Deng*,Facile and Solvent-free Fabrication of PEG-based Membranes with Interpenetrating Networks for CO2 Separation, Journal of Membrane Science (IF=7.015), 2019, 570, 455-463.

[20] Zhongde Dai, Luca Ansaloni, Justin J. Ryan, Richard J. Spontak, and Liyuan Deng*,Nafion/IL Hybrid Membranes with Enhanced Gas Permeation for CO2 Separation: Effects of Ionic Liquid and Water Vapor, Green Chemistry (IF= 9.405). 2018, 20, 1391-1404.



[1] Results in Engineering期刊编委;

[2] Carbon capture science and technology期刊编委;

[3] 《安全与环境》期刊青年编委;

[4] 《Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering》期刊青年编委

[5] 超过四十个期刊审稿人,包括Journal of Membrane Science(Elsevier), Applied Energy(Elsevier), International Journal of Greenhouse gas Control(Elsevier), Chemical Engineering Journal(Elsevier), Chemical Engineering Research and Design(Elsevier), Separation and Purification Technology(Elsevier), ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces(ACS), Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research(ACS), Macromolecules (ACS), Nanotechnology(IOP), 2D Materials(IOP) etc


[1] Elsevier ISPT 2022 Young Investigator Award, 2022

[2] Elsevier Carbon capture science and technology future star, 2022

[3] Elsevier RINENG Young Investigator Award, 2021

[4] The 1st Youth Award for Iron and Steel Environmental Protection Technology Innovation, 2021

[5] Outstanding Researcher Award of Sichuan University, 2020

[6] Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad, 2016

